Your brighter world is determined by the decisions you make and the activities you do in the present, starting with your ideas. Don’t get caught up in the past. Instead, focus on strengthening the present by defining goals and working toward them daily, and your life will be transformed for the better. No one prefers to live in the past, but many people do. Reminiscing is the same as living in the past in the present. Being in a time that no longer includes makes it difficult to imagine a good future. It’s difficult to progress and grow if we aren’t moving upward and onward. Consciousness could make you feel less stressed and anxious, as well as more optimistic about your life.
Life isn’t supposed to be lived in the darkest recesses of your mind. By living in the present time, you may find so much joy, significance, and meaningful life. Living in the moment helps us to recognize the small things that make us happy. You may not recognise it because of the quick pace and tight schedules, but this tends to be dragged into the past and future could make you exhausted and out of touch with yourself. Living in the now is the answer to an issue you may not have even realised you had.
Here in this article we will discuss how you can stop living in past and start living in the present:-
Table of Contents
Meditate regularly
If you meditate, it’s much simpler to be present at the moment. Every day, practise a fast 10-minute meditation practise to remind yourself that you are not your thoughts. Dark feelings simply come to you, and you have no control over them. And realising that you don’t have to empathize with them can let you live in the moment. For example, to help you cultivate mindfulness, try meditation about being mindful. Without a doubt, you will find it difficult to concentrate at first, but the practice is the key. Continue to meditate regularly and you will notice a difference.
Take full use of today’s opportunities.
Take in as much of today as you can, including the sights, sounds, smells, feelings, triumphs, and sorrows. These are all around us, but we frequently forget to notice them and embrace them.
Choose to deal with it and move on if you are harbouring animosity toward another person as a result of past wrongdoings. It was their fault for causing the injury, but it is your fault for allowing it to affect your emotions today. Instead, let go and choose to be aware of the present moment.
Boost your physical fitness.
Many sedentary persons dislike being told they need to get more exercise. While being encouraged to exercise could be exhausting when you doing exercise is extremely beneficial to your psychological health. You’re not living in the moment if you’re trapped in the past or fearful of the future. You’re in the incorrect time frame. Exercise can help prevent the fight-or-flight response from being triggered too frequently. It will be much easier to live in the moment rather than worrying about the future in this manner. Exercise also aids in the prevention and treatment of mental diseases such as dementia. So, if you want to maintain your mind fresh and healthy so that you can just appreciate the present, this is the book for you.
Be Appreciative of What You Have Right Now
Taking the time to be grateful for what you have now, rather than in the past or future, is an important part of living in the present time. If you’re always thinking about what you don’t have, you’re not taking the time to enjoy what you do have right now.
Writing a list of things you’re grateful for and reviewing it on a regular schedule is one approach to practising gratitude. Make a list of at least 3 things you are grateful for right now in your life. You might also go on a thankfulness binge, where you write down as many accomplishments as you can think of in a set amount of time.
Every day, turn off your phone for a few hours.
Technology can make it difficult to live in the now, so make a conscious effort to unplug for a bit. Turn off or put your phone on silent and do something productive, like spending time with family or writing in your notebook.
Start with one hour at the end of the day before bed if a few hours per day seems too onerous. Then slowly increase the time so you’ll have extra time available in the present moment.
Relax the mind.
Doing right-brain tasks is the simplest approach to relaxing the mind. Painting, drawing, creating handicrafts, carpentry, performing, making crafts, and many more activities fall under this category. When you activate the right brain, the left brain goes into a state of semi-silence. Instead of leading you down a hole of negative thinking, the left brain, which regulates language and hence thoughts, simply quiets down.
Consider mistakes as opportunities to learn.
It’s easy to get caught up in the past and forget to live in the present. Find the learning in past mistakes to help you overcome your proclivity to ruminate.
If you find yourself ruminating on a prior blunder, try to extract a larger learning opportunity from the situation.
Assume you routinely overslept for a class and received a failing mark as a result. Instead of concentrating on the error and berating yourself, consider arranging classes later in the day or going to bed earlier at night to avoid making the same mistake again.
Remove hurtful possessionss
Minimalism teaches you to be present at the moment. Removing stuff linked to memories liberates you and helps you to move on from the past. You can begin to live in the moment once the past no longer has control over you. Every day is brimming with potential! Begin with a smile. Every morning, you have control over your attitude; keep it upbeat and hopeful. If you’re deliberate about it, you’ll find yourself doing it daily without even recognising it.