How to stop a nighttime toothache

If you have a toothache, it is likely interfering with your sleep. While you may not be able to eliminate it, there are certain home remedies you can attempt to alleviate the pain.

Getting Rid of a Nighttime Toothache

Pain management is generally required while treating a toothache at home. Here are a few methods for relieving discomfort and getting a good night’s sleep.

  • Use over-the-counter pain relievers. Minor dental pain can be relieved with drugs such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), and aspirin. Numbing pastes or gels, sometimes containing benzocaine, can assist to alleviate pain long enough for you to go to sleep. Use no benzocaine-containing products on newborns or children under age 2.
  • Maintain a raised head position. By elevating your head above your body, you can prevent blood from getting to your brain. If blood accumulates in your head, it may aggravate your toothache and keep you awake.
How to Relieve a Toothache at Night - glenwood-dental
  • Before going to bed, avoid consuming anything acidic, cold, or hard. These foods might exacerbate your teeth as well as any existing cavities. Avoid foods that cause you pain.
  • Mouthwash should be used to rinse your teeth. To disinfect and numb your teeth, use an alcohol-containing mouthwash.
  • Apply an ice pack before going to bed. Wrap an ice pack in fabric and place it on the sore side of your face. This can assist to alleviate pain and allow you to rest.

Natural toothache cures

Natural healers have employed therapeutic ways to cure mouth ailments such as toothaches at night. Some natural therapies that have been employed, according to a 2015 study, include: 

  • clove guava leaves
  • pear seed with bark mango bark
  • sweet potato stems
  • Sunflower petals
  • tobacco leaf
  • garlic

Before utilizing natural therapies, consult your doctor and dentist. Keep an eye out for any sensitivities or reactions to the plants or oils utilized.

10 Ways to Kill a Toothache In a Minute - YouTube

What are the possible causes of toothaches?

Toothaches can be caused by problems with your teeth or gums. They can also be brought on by pain in other places of your body. The following are some of the most common causes of toothaches:

  • Injuries to the mouth or jaw. These can result from blunt force injuries to the face.
  • Infection of the sinuses. Sinus infection drainage can cause toothache.
  • Teeth decay When bacteria create tooth decay, your teeth’s nerves may become exposed, producing discomfort.
  • I’ve lost a filling. If a filling falls out, the nerve inside the tooth may be exposed.
  • A tooth abscess or infection This ailment, often known as a dental abscess, is defined as a pus-filled pocket in the tooth.
  • Food or other detritus stuck between your teeth. Organic and inorganic debris jammed between your teeth might generate pressure.
  • Wisdom teeth crowning or teething If you have wisdom teeth that are breaking through the gums, they may press against other teeth.
  • Disorders of the temporomandibular joint TMJ are defined as pain in the jaw joint, although it can affect your teeth.
Six Ways to Stop a Toothache Quickly - Steve Hagerman, DDS, PC
  • Dental illness-

Gingivitis and periodontal disease, for example, can cause toothaches and pain.

  • Grinding-

At night, you may grind or clench your teeth, which can create further pain.

When should you see a dentist?

Over the next 24 hours, keep an eye on your toothache. If it goes away, you might only have an annoyance. Make an appointment with your dentist if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • The agony is excruciating.
  • your toothache persists for more than two days
  • If you experience a fever, headache, or pain when opening your mouth, or if you have difficulty breathing or swallowing, contact Outlook.
  • Your dentist will recommend the best treatment for your condition based on the reason for your toothache. They may clean out and fill a cavity in your tooth if you have dental decay.

If your tooth has split or broken, your dentist may recommend repairing it or replacing it with an artificial tooth. If your toothache is caused by a sinus infection, your symptoms will usually go away once your sinus infection has cleared up, sometimes with the help of antibiotics.

If your toothache lasts more than two days or causes you serious suffering, see your dentist.

7 Toothache Home Remedies Recommended by Your Emergency Dentist

People can, however, try the following strategies to ease the pain:

Pain relievers used orally

Many people find that taking over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers like acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) is a quick and easy approach to relieving mild-to-moderate toothaches.

Always follow the dosing instructions on the label.

If the toothache is severe, it is better to contact a dentist and discuss stronger pain medicines with them.

3 Ways to Cure a Toothache - wikiHow

Use a cold compress

A cold compress can help relieve the agony of a toothache.

Applying a towel-wrapped bag of ice to the injured side of the face or jaw helps constrict the blood vessels in the area, reducing pain and allowing a person to fall asleep. Using a cold compress on teeth] may also assist to massage the area for 15-20 minutes every few hours before bedtime.