10 Common mistakes when using herbs

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10 Common mistakes when using herbs

Nowadays people seek more natural remedies, herbal medicine has gained in popularity. Herbs are being included into an increasing number of dishes and beverages. While most of them can be beneficial, there are certain safety precautions to keep in mind. Most of the people inadvertently make potentially deadly mistakes while consuming herbs or herbal products, whether because they are organic or because they are not controlled similar way as that of medications.


Whether you’ve worked with herbs for a long time or are just in a phase of trying them but you can make mistake. Because there is so much proper directions and disinformation out there, it’s simple to make these typical mistakes. You may readily correct them once you are aware of them.

Let’s find out 10 mistakes which you might be doing or can possibly do in future:

1.Taking wrong herbs: that increase bleeding risks

Anticoagulant medications like aspirin and warfarin (also known as blood thinners) stop blood clots from forming inside arteries, lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease. The risk of bleeding gets higher if you use herbs and supplements altogether as it can cause an anticoagluant effect.

Do discuss with a professional holistic practitioner, such as a homeopathic doctor, if you’re having more than one anticoagulant herb or if you’re consuming it with other anticoagulants. Make sure to tell your doctor about any herbs or supplements you’re using. The prothrombin time and international normalised ratios are blood tests that can be used to assess blood clotting.

2.If you are using it for constipation since a long time:

Aloe, cascara, frangula, senna, and rheum plants are examples of anthranoid laxatives. Though they can be  useful, they might cause the bowels to lose their capacity to move on their own after lengthy use. Chronic diarrhoea, muscle weakness, potentially deadly abnormal heart rhythms, and renal or liver dysfunction have all been related to these substances.

Such stimulant herbs must not be used for more than a week at a time. If constipation and gastrointestinal issues persist, you should see your doctor.

Consult your doctor about gradually weaning off laxatives and regaining regular bowel function. The key is to take it slowly, usually with the help of a fibre supplement like psyllium and plenty of water.

3. Consuming herbs before surgery:

In order to avoid difficulties, your surgeon must be aware with what you’re taking before an operation. Herbs and supplements might induce excessive bleeding or interact with anesthesia.

Herbs can impact blood pressure, electrolyte balances, and dieresis when taken before surgery. Because herbs should be stopped at least two weeks before surgery, inform your surgeon so that your operation date can be arranged far enough in advance.

All herbs and vitamins should be stopped two to three weeks before surgery, according to research. Make sure you talk to your surgeon or specialist about what is suggested in your situation.

4. If you are not consistent:

It’s critical to have herbs and supplements on a regular basis and as directed in order to determine whether or not they’re effective. Starting a supplement, skipping a day or more, and then starting another later because you haven’t seen any benefit is a quite casual yet common mistake. You can’t finalize if the herb you are taking is beneficial to you or not if you aren’t consistent.

5. If you consider herb for fatigue management:

Consistent exhaustion, sleepiness, or low energy may need a visit to your primary care physician. While diet and herbs may assist, the first step is to rule out an underlying ailment as the source of your weariness.

Infectious disorders (e.g. mononucleosis), heart failure, diabetes, liver or renal disease, Addison’s disease, autoimmune diseases (e.g. lupus), cancer, and malnutrition, as well as drug side effects, can all cause fatigue.

Consult your primary care physician first. They will ASK you and ensure that you get the necessary laboratory and/or imaging tests to rule out these illnesses. Then you can consider natural methods.

6. If you are mixing Herbs with immunosuppressants:

Immunosuppressants are medications that prevent the body from rejecting a transplanted organ. Along with that they also assist to manage autoimmune disease symptoms.

Herbs that regulates the immune system may interact with these drugs, causing transplant rejection, worsening of autoimmune disease symptoms, or even the onset of an autoimmune condition in genetically predisposed individuals.

If you’re on an immunosuppressive medication, avoid alfalfa, astragalus, echinacea, ginseng, licorice root, and zinc.

7. Breaking stems:

Breaking thicker stems from plants like rosemary, oregano, and marjoram is not a smart idea. While fragile tips can be nipped off, thicker stems, especially if they’re woody, should be cut with shears.

You might easily rip the stem, causing more problem to the plant and more open spots for bacteria to enter.

8. Your chamomile tea reacts with your medication:

Even though most of the people consider chamomile tea to be safe, it can have major negative effects when taken in conjunction with certain drugs.

It can interact with regular medications by modifying how they are break down in your body, in addition to increasing the risk of internal bleeding.

Before you take a sip, be sure you’re aware of the medicines that may interact with chamomile.

9. You don’t research before consuming herbs properly:

You should get information about any possible side effects and safety concerns from a current, impartial source based on scientific research.Even though some manufacturers claim that their products are natural and hence harmless, many of them have the potential to create major side effects if used inappropriately.

Hops, a common ingredient in breast enhancement tablets, has been revealed to have powerful estrogenic effects, prompting inquiries into their safety. Fenugreek, another popular component, is not recommended in high dosages during pregnancy, and there have been questions about its safety when ingested in proportions greater than those found in food. As a result, do your homework before buying any herb.

10. Herbs are dried in an oven.

When the oven is set to the lowest setting, it might dry out your herbs, but it will also begin to cook them. You’ll lose flavour and diminish the amount of oil in the plants, which will affect the flavour and effectiveness of herbal treatments. It’s preferable to dehydrate them or let them air dry.

Benefits of Herbs:

Immunity boosters:
Due to a variety of variables, herbs are known to improve the human body’s immunity. Vitamin C is found in several herbs and is an important component in improving the body’s resistance to disease. Turmeric, thyme, parsley, dill, and cilantro are some of the herbs that are particularly high in vitamin C. Most plants have high anti-oxidant properties in addition to Vitamin C.

Inflammation reduction:
Inflammation’s consequences are far more severe in people with health disorders such as arthritis, and repeated inflammations are commonly an enduring indication of a few health conditions. Anti-inflammatory characteristics are found in a number of herbs, which can aid to relax the body and reduce inflammation and redness.

Controls Blood pressure:
Blood pressure problems and cardiac problems commonly go hand in hand, especially in the elderly. Also, because of normal usual timetable shift  have made daily life more stressful, cases of high blood pressure and cardiac problems have steadily increased over the last several decades. Certain herbs and spices have been shown to help decrease blood pressure and, as a result, improve heart health.

Psychological Well-Being:
Adding rosemary into your normal diet if you want to improve your mental health. This amazing plant is useful for a variety of health issues, but it is especially beneficial for the brain. It not only helps memory, but it also combats variables that cause serious brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Cancer Risk is Reduced:
Cancer is a life-threatening disease, but you can avoid an occurrence of malignant cells by adopting these miraculous herbs in your daily life. Parsley is highly packed with apigenin. Consuming this herb can lowers chances of cancerous cells and tumours in your body.

Risks of Herbs:

  • As herbal medicines contain hazardous compounds or heavy metals, or interact negatively with other pharmaceuticals, they can induce renal failure and liver damage in some people.
  • The most typical symptoms of overdosing are headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, and upset stomach; however, more serious symptoms may arise. Some plants are toxic by nature, and excessive use can harm vital organs such as the liver and kidneys. Herbal poisoning affects these two organs the most.
  • Herbs are extremely non-toxic and harmless. Nausea and headaches are the most prevalent side effects of herbs. When the herbs are stopped, the undesirable effects usually disappear. A smaller dosage is frequently effective.

So, by now you must be aware every aspect of herbs their benefits, risks and the mistakes which must have done in past and now you should avoid them hopefully this blog will assist you to know how exactly you should use herbs and what to avoid while using herbs always remember it might be natural but consulting a doctor is must no matter what it is for your betterment only.