Hydration: The Key to Everyday Health and Wellness


Do you ever feel fatigued, have headaches, or are you often hungry? These are just a few of the symptoms that can be attributed to dehydration. 

Did you know that water accounts for 60-75 percent of your body weight and has a significant role in your nutrition and well-being? 

Water affects a wide range of human functions, including alertness, appetite, performance, weariness, body temperature, joints, nutrition, waste, skin, disease prevention, and the list goes on. 

When your job is hectic, it can be difficult to remember to drink water, so here are our top ideas for improved daily hydration at work…

Drinking plenty of water is one of the most basic strategies to maintain your body and mind in peak condition. According to Harvard Health Publishing, water aids digestion and prevents constipation, stabilizes the heartbeat and blood pressure, regulates body temperature, and maintains your body’s electrolyte balance.

And because water is so important to these biological functions, your body will let you know if you aren’t getting enough of it. Dehydration symptoms include a dry or sticky mouth, dark yellow urine (or a less frequent urge to urinate), dry skin, headaches, and muscular cramps, according to MedLine Plus. Dehydration can produce dizziness, lightheadedness, irritability, a rapid heartbeat and breathing rate, and even shock in severe situations.

Working with water

Make sure you have a healthy drinking water supply at work, such as a water cooler or filtered water.

There are several types of water coolers available, each with its own set of temperature options and functions.

Staying hydrated at work is as simple as having access to clean, healthful water and developing some habits that will help you increase your intake.

If you happen to be out and about…

Drinking 2 liters of water each day is the recommended quantity. Make water accessible to you by carrying a water bottle with you when you’re out and about.

There are now refillable water fountains at train stations and retail malls, making access to water even easier!

It may seem obvious, but many people do not do this and find it difficult to stay hydrated while on the go.

We are all unique…

Although the guidelines are there to give you a general idea of how much water you should be drinking daily when it comes to your hydration needs, keep in mind that everyone is different.

Those factors that will have an impact include…

How much exercise do you do,

How tall are you?

How much weight do you have? 

How well your body uses water

You’ll discover how much your body requires, but it’s always a good idea to keep an eye on it.

Do you frequently feel fatigued despite obtaining a full night’s sleep, or do you find your urine is often darker in color, or do you suffer from headaches regularly?

If there is little or no improvement, try raising to meet your specific requirements. If symptoms such as weariness and headaches persist despite increasing your water intake, make an appointment with your doctor to have the situation addressed.

Are you seriously hungry?

Try a glass of water before reaching for the office candy bowl and biscuit barrel.

Supplement with nutrition…

Food, which is sometimes overlooked, can also provide a significant supply of water for hydration. Fruits and vegetables, for example, can be used as a reliable source of both water and electrolytes. Did you know that both of these substances aid in the absorption of water by your body?

Potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, and chloride are examples of electrolytes. Eating foods high in these nutrients will increase your hydration and should be included in your daily hydration regimen.

Once you begin to increase your hydration, you should begin to feel more energetic and overall better.

Do Not Ignore Dry Mouth…

Being thirsty or having a dry mouth is one of the first biological indicators that you need to drink more fluids and should not be disregarded.

To add flavor and variety, infuse water with fruit.

If plain water isn’t your thing, don’t worry: integrating fresh fruit or purchasing naturally flavored water can help spice up your bottle, according to senior associate editor Christina Vogt. It could not be simpler to experiment with different flavors at home. Simply look for an infuser-style water bottle with an insert to hold your favorite fruits and other ingredients. Popular flavors include lemon, cucumber, mint, and strawberries. And if the idea of making your flavoured water doesn’t appeal to you,

Get your coworkers interested…

Involve your coworkers in a challenge to stay hydrated at work. See how many days you can drink your recommended daily quantity of water in a row, and encourage each other to continue the streak.

Hydration is essential to your health and well-being; examine it daily to ensure you’re getting enough water.