8 Signs That You Need to Have Your Thyroid Checked

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Possible signs or symptoms of thyroid disease

If you have experienced any of the following signs or symptoms of thyroid problems, it may be time to have your thyroid checked.

Your weight has changed significantly, even if your habits remain the same

Significant and unexplained changes in your weight can be the result of either hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). In hyperthyroidism, your thyroid gland produces too much of the hormone thyroxine, which causes your body’s metabolism to speed up, leading to weight loss. In contrast, with hypothyroidism, your body is unable to produce enough thyroxine, causing your metabolism to slow down, which aids in weight gain.

20 Signs Your Thyroid Isn't Working Right | The Surgical Clinic

You have noticed a change in your appearance

In addition to fluctuations in your weight, watch for changes in your appearance, including weaker or more brittle hair, dry, red, itchy, thin, or irritated skin, swollen joints, a puffy face, or swelling at the base of the neck. It can be easy to dismiss these problems as normal skin problems, but if you’ve noticed changes in the appearance of your skin along with one or more of the factors mentioned here, it may be time to get your thyroid checked.

You are unhappy

Your physical appearance isn’t the only thing affected by your hormones; they also play a big role in your overall mood and well-being. Hyperthyroidism can make you feel anxious, nervous, and irritable, while hypothyroidism can cause depression.

You are tired all the time

Hyperthyroidism can make it difficult for you to fall asleep at night, leading to fatigue, while a lack of thyroxine in hypothyroidism can drain your body of all its energy. Additionally, with both of these conditions, you are likely to experience muscle weakness that will make your body feel tired and worn out.

You are always hot or cold, but never well

Hyperthyroidism can cause sensitivity to heat and excessive sweating, whereas a person with hypothyroidism may struggle to stay warm at all. When the thyroid gland in the body is functioning properly, its cells produce 65% energy and 35% heat. However, those with thyroid disease will produce too much or too little thyroxine. This change in hormone levels confuses the body into producing either too much heat and too little energy or vice versa.


Weight can also affect an individual’s sensitivity to heat and cold, as the more body weight you carry, the more likely you are to stay hot. Individuals with an underactive thyroid gland are more likely to be overweight or obese, making them more prone to feeling hot. In contrast, individuals with an overactive thyroid will have trouble maintaining or gaining weight, which can cause weight and fat loss, making the body more sensitive to cold.

You missed your period but you are not pregnant

For women, thyroid problems can affect their menstrual cycle and fertility. This is especially true with hypothyroidism, as too little thyroxine can make it harder for your body to release the eggs needed for ovulation, which interferes with a woman’s overall fertility. Women with hypothyroidism may also be at higher risk for problems during pregnancy, including preeclampsia and miscarriage. Women who produce too much thyroxine may also experience loss of periods and postpartum thyroiditis.

Signs of Thyroid Problems | Hyperthyroidism | Hypothyroidism

Sensitivity to heat

Sensitivity to heat is a common symptom of an overactive thyroid. As we mentioned before with weight loss, hyperthyroidism causes your metabolism to go into overdrive and burn more calories. However, it doesn’t just affect your weight. Too much of the thyroid hormone known as thyroxine can also make you more sensitive to heat.

Heat sensitivity or heat intolerance is more than just a “hot temper.” People who have an unusual sensitivity to heat feel hot when others feel comfortable or even cold. This can cause people with hyperthyroidism to experience abnormal sweating and even anxiety about feeling hot.

Sensitivity to cold

People with hypothyroidism often experience cold hands and feet. This can also happen in rooms where everyone else is hot. This occurs as a result of your body not producing enough thyroxine, which causes your metabolism to slow down. Ultimately, hypothyroidism hinders your body’s ability to create the energy that naturally keeps you warm, causing you to become extremely sensitive to cold temperatures.

9 Thyroid Tests You Need To Know If Your Thyroid Is Healthy — Genesis  Performance Chiropractic of Elverson, PA

Thyroid disorders can affect you in different ways, even opposite ways, depending on the type of disorder you have. This can include energy levels, weight, heart rate, and how you react to heat and cold. While these symptoms may indicate a thyroid problem, you’ll need to talk to your doctor for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan.

Altered bowel movement

When the thyroid gland is not functioning optimally, a person suffers from an altered stool pattern. Those who suffer from hypothyroidism are usually constipated and those who have hyperthyroidism suffer from loose stools.

Hypothyroid In Men: What Are Underactive Thyroid Symptoms? ​| Men's Health

Disturbed sleep patterns

Since the thyroid gland is responsible for brain activity and metabolism, sleep patterns are greatly altered when thyroid hormones are imbalanced. Insomnia or excessive lethargy even after a restful sleep should raise your concerns.