12 Signs You May Have A Thyroid Problem and Common Conditions

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What is thyroid disease

Overactive thyroid or Hyperthyroidism can be caused by a condition familiar as Graves’ disease, inflammation of the thyroid gland (denoted as thyroiditis), or by tumour’s that discharge thyroid hormones.

Thyroid hormones disease is pretty usual as It can result from conditions that cause under and over-functioning of the thyroid gland.


Fatigue is one of the most regular symptoms of thyroidism.

Many human with the condition report feeling so tired out that they are powerless to go about their day as usual.

The fatigue happen regardless of how much sleep a human gets or how much daytime naps they take. Treatment for hypothyroidism generally refine human energy levels and functioning.

Weight gain

Thyroid hormones assist to control the metabolism of sugar and fat, body weight, and food intake. Individuals with low levels of thyroid hormones do experience an increase in body mass index and weight gain. Even mild cases of hypothyroidism may rise up the risk of obesity and weight gain. Individual with the condition often report having a puffy face along with excess weight around the stomach or other zones of the body.

Sore muscles and joints

Hypothyroidism do influence a human muscles and joints in many ways, causing:

  • aches
  • pains
  • stiffness
  • swelling of the joints
  • tenderness
  • weakness

Study also suggests a connection between rheumatoid arthritis and thyroid gland disorders, which is an immunological condition that causes painful swelling in the stream line of the joints. Impactful treatment for both conditions will support human manage their symptoms.

Mood and memory changes

It is usual for human with untreated hypothyroidism to experience:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • apathy, or general lack of feelings of indifference and interest
  • impaired memory function
  • less concentration and attentiveness
  • low moods
  • slower speech and thinking

These symptoms do happen as the mind wants thyroid hormones to function correctly. It shows that low levels of thyroid hormones do cause changes in brain functioning and structure.

These brain changes do reverse once a human figure starts treatment.

Feeling cold

A human with hypothyroidism do continually feel cold.

Hypothyroidism do slow down metabolism, which would lead to a drop in core body temperature. As such, some human with low levels of thyroid hormones might feel cold all the time or have a lower tolerance of the cold. This emotion of coldness can continue, even during the summer months and when in a warm room. Individuals with hypothyroidism often report having cold feet and hands, although they might feel that their complete body is cold.

These symptoms are not unique to hypothyroidism, however. Circulation issues or anemia do also cause human to feel chilly.


Digestion is a body function that could slow down due to hypothyroidism.

Research report that an underactive thyroid do cause issues with movement through the gut and the activity of the colon, stomach, and small intestine.

These digestive changes do cause some individuals to experience constipation.

Doctors commonly define constipation as having lesser than three bowel movements . A individual may also have difficulty passing stool, hard stools, and a emotion of being powerless to empty the rectum fully.

High cholesterol

Thyroid hormones do play a vital role in eliminating excess cholesterol from the liver via the body. Low hormone levels denotes that the liver fight to carry out this function and blood cholesterol levels may increase.

Research suggests that up to 13 percent of human with high cholesterol also have an underactive thyroid. As a result, many study suggests that doc routinely test people with high cholesterol for hypothyroidism.

Treating the thyroid issue may support lessen cholesterol levels, even in those who do not consume cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Slow heart rate

Individuals with hypothyroidism may have a slow heart rate. Low thyroid levels do influence the heart in other manners too. These effects may involve:

  • change in blood pressure
  • variation in heart rhythm
  • lesser elastic arteries

Bradycardia may cause breathing problems, weakness, and dizziness. Without treatment, this heart condition might result in serious complications, such as heart failure and low or high blood pressure.

Hair loss

Untreated hormone disorders, involving thyroid issues, do contribute to hair loss. This is because thyroid hormones are necessary for the health and growth of hair follicles. Hypothyroidism do cause hair loss from the:

  • scalp
  • eyebrows
  • legs
  • other body parts

Individual with thyroid issues are also more prone to develop alopecia, which is an autoimmune condition that may cause hair to fall out in patches.

weak hair and nails and Dry skin

An underactive thyroid effects the skin in different manners and do cause symptoms, such as

  • dry, coarse skin
  • paleness
  • thin, scaly skin

People with hypothyroidism might develop coarse, dry, and brittle hair, or dull, thin nails that break out easily. These symptoms normally clear up once human start thyroid hormone therapy.


It is an enlargement of the thyroid gland that appears as a swelling at the base of the neck. Other goiter symptoms involve:

  • a cough
  • hoarseness
  • problems breathing and swallowing

Many thyroid issues do result in a goiter, involving iodine deficiency which is an immunological condition that destroy the thyroid gland, blocking it producing enough hormones. Other causes involve underactive thyroid and, less commonly in the US, iodine deficiency.

Menstrual changes

Individuals with an underactive thyroid might experience irregular and heavy menstrual periods or spotting between periods.

As per research, hypothyroidism causes these issues as it influences other hormones that play a role in menstruation, such as by:

  • impairing the detoxification of estrogenic
  • lessen the amount of sex hormone-binding globulin.

What usual symptoms do occur with thyroid disease?

There are a numerous of symptoms you might experience if you have a thyroid disease. Unfortunately, symptoms of a this condition are often pretty same to the signs of stages of life and other medical conditions. This can make it tough to identify if your symptoms are connected to a thyroid problem or something else fully.

For the most chunk, the symptoms of thyroid disease would be divided into two groups — those connected to having too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and those associated to having too tiny thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

Symptoms of an overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) do involve :-

  • Experiencing nervousness, anxiety, and irritability.
  • Having trouble sleeping.
  • Losing weight.
  • Having an enlarged thyroid goiter and gland.
  • Having tremors and muscle weakness.
  • Having your menstrual cycle stop and experience irregular menstrual periods.
  • Feel sensitive to heat.
  • Having vision issues or eye irritation.

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) do involve :-

  • Feel tired (fatigue).
  • Gaining weight.
  • Experience forgetfulness.
  • Having heavy and frequent menstrual periods.
  • Having coarse and dry hair.
  • Having a hoarse voice.
  • Experience an intolerance to chilled temperatures.