10 Ways to Help Manage Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

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Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD) is a problem that causes an impairment in the jawbone’s functioning. Although there are ways to help manage temporomandibular joint disorders that we will discuss later. TMJ therapy in Houston, TX, targets the joint that links your jawbone to your cranium, even if your jawbone is healthy. Your jawbone would not operate effectively if the joint is faulty. The exact etiology of temporomandibular joint disease is unknown, although dentists believe that indications are caused by abnormalities with the jaw muscles or even other joint elements.

Furthermore, you may begin to experience additional health conditions that are unrelated to your oral cavity, therefore jeopardizing your general health. The connecting joints between your jaw bone and the skull are the main source of this type of illness. Some people experience abnormalities on both parts of their jaws, while others might have trouble with one. Here have a look at the various ways to help manage temporomandibular joint disorders.

10 Ways to Help Manage Temporomandibular Joint Disorders:

Symptoms of TMJ

Based on the intensity and recurrence of the symptoms, physicians classify TMJD as an acute or chronic illness. It can induce a variety of signs and symptoms, including:

  • Jaw disorders, such as snapping or clicking noises or locking
  • Jaw, neck, shoulder, or facial pain
  • Difficulty in widening the mouth
  • Headaches
  • Ear difficulties, such as buzzing in the ears (tinnitus) or earaches
  • Toothache and other dental problems

Compress: Hot/Cold

Hot and cold therapy can both aid with musculoskeletal pain relief. Cold therapy numbs the discomfort and can greatly lower swelling and inflammation, whilst hot treatments increase circulation. Employ a hot or cold compress to the affected area of your jaw. Set it aside for 5 to 10 minutes. Remove and practice a few times more.

Bad dental practices should be avoided.

Teeth should be used for eating, speaking, and smiling. Bad oral behaviours such as nibbling your fingernails and opening drink bottles, amongst many others, can destroy your teeth foundations as well as put unneeded strain on your jawbone, leading to TMD difficulties.

Wear safety equipment.

It’s especially important if you engage in high-contact sports like boxing or soccer frequently. Mouthguards could assist regulate the effects of oral trauma and prevent TMJ issues.


Acupuncture is a type of complementary medicine that is gently used to treat pain. It entails inserting several acupuncture needles into certain acupressure points. An article in the journal Healthcare found that acupuncture helped individuals with TMD improve their feelings of myofascial pain. As a result, you might attempt this treatment from a specialist to relieve TMJ discomfort concerns.


A mouth guard or mouth brace is a conservative treatment option for TMJ pain. It can help ease difficulties without affecting your jaw or teeth placement. Several wonderful activities can help alleviate TMJ pain in conjunction with these solutions.

Stress reduction

TMJD can be caused by stress or anxiety-related nail-biting, clamping, and grinding activities. Psychotherapy and self-management-based approaches, according to studies, could be conservative and effective treatments available.

Make sure you’re sleeping in the right position and that you’re relaxing.

Your sleeping habits, particularly how you sleep at night, can place pressure on many regions of your body, particularly your jaw. To lift your spirits and get rid of tension and worry. Face clenching, which is common when people are stressed, can be reduced by relaxing. Be gentle as much as you can it will help you sustain yourself more healthily.

Apply Lavender Oil

Lavender oil’s painkiller and anti-inflammatory qualities can help relieve TMJ pain. To one to 2 teaspoons of any essential oils, add  2 – 3 drops of lavender oil. Combine all of the ingredients in a blender and spread the affected area.

It’s also possible to leave it on and let it dry naturally. Instead, you can use a diffuser to breathe the oil’s lovely aroma.

While extending your mouth, use resistance.

TMD symptoms might be alleviated by exercising your jaw. Put 2 fingers underneath your chin and squeeze softly while expanding your lips, adding a little resistance. Do this practice 6 times each day, six times every session. never do an exercise that hurts or makes you uncomfortable, particularly if you’re using resistance. If your discomfort is severe, consult your dentist or doctor.

Chewing Bubblegum And Perhaps other Chewy Foods Should Be Avoided

It’s fine to chew gum or consume chewy foods on occasion. Nevertheless, chewy foods should be limited in your diet because constant chewing might strain and exert pressure on the jaw.

If you can’t resist chewy meals, try and take rests in between bites to allow your jaw to recover and relax.