10 Tips for Eye Health and Maintaining Good Eyesight

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Getting older increases your risk of certain eye diseases. You might have a higher risk of eye diseases if you:

  • Are obese and overweight
  • Have a family eye health history timeline of disease
  • Are Native American, African American, or Hispanic,
  •  Other health conditions, like high blood pressure or diabetes, do also expand your risk of eye diseases. For example, people with diabetes are at risk for diabetic retinopathy — an eye condition that does cause blindness and vision loss.

If you’re worried you may be at risk for some eye diseases, talk to your specialist. You might be able to take a few methods to lower your risk.

Take care of your health

Protecting your overall health does go a long way towards keeping your eyesight healthy! It’s significant to take good care of yourself and make healthy choices.

Keep in brain that healthy habits do lower your risk for eye diseases and conditions that can lead to vision problems, like high blood pressure and diabetes. Follow these methods for healthy vision:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet.Your diet must include eye health foods like plenty of vegetables and fruits, especially deep green and yellow leafy vegetables. Eating fish higher in omega-3 fatty acids, such as halibut, salmon, and tuna can also support your refocus eye health.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.Having obese and Being overweight increases the risk of developing diabetes. Having diabetes puts at high risk of getting glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Get regular exercise.Exercise may support to control or prevent diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. These diseases can lead to some eye vision issues. So if you exercise on regular basis, you can lower your risk of getting eye health problems.
  • Wear sunglasses.Sun exposure could damage your eyes and increase your risk of cataracts and age-associated macular degeneration. Protect your eyes by utilizing sunglasses that block out 99 to 100% of both UV-B and UV-A radiation.

Wear protective eyewear. To stop eye injury, you want eye health vitamins protection when playing some sports, working in jobs such as construction and factory work, and doing projects or repairs in your house. Also, be certain to wear safety glasses when the eyes may be at risk for a puncture, chemicals, or another kind of harm.

  • Identify your family medical history.Some eye diseases might be inherited, so it is significant to discover out whether anyone in your family history has had them. This can support you decide if you are at high risk of growing an eye disease.
  • Identify your other risk factors.As you get older, you are at a higher risk of generating age-related eye conditions and diseases. It is necessary to know your risk factors as you might be able to lower the risk by changing some behaviors.
  • If you wear contacts, take steps to stop eye infections.Wash your hands well before you take out and put in your contact lenses. Also, follow up the instructions on how to properly way clean them, and replace them when required.
  • Give your eyes a rest.If you spend a lot of time utilizing a computer, you do forget to blink your eyes and your eyes do get tired. To eliminate eyestrain, try the 20-20-20 guideline: Every 20 minutes, look away about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.

Get a regular eye exam

Partnering with your eye specialist (an ophthalmologist or optometrist) is one of the most significant actions you do take to maintain your eyesight. Depending upon your eye health and any conditions you may have, she or he can support you decide how often to have your vision tested and actions to take to safeguard your eyes.

Get sufficient rest

During proper sleep cycles, the eyes get a chance to the muscles rest and relax. Elders who don’t get appropriate amounts of sleep do feel a decline in their vision quality. Also, when we sleep, our eyes are having smooth movement and do clear out irritants that gather during the day. This is significant in preventing irritation and infection.

Eat a healthy diet

The study has shown that diet plays a significant part in eye health. Focus on a diet rich in vegetables and fruits along with omega-3 fatty acids found in fish.

If you smoke, quit

Smoking does enlarge the risk of age-connected eye diseases, cataracts, and destruction of the optic nerve. If you need help quitting, call your MyHealth health coach immediately!

Maintain your weight

Weight does play a bigger role in eye health because being obese and overweight does increase the risk of developing diabetes. Individuals with diabetes have the possibility that leads to vision loss.

Stay physically active

Being active is significant for good eyesight along with eye health as it improves blood circulation, which assists improve oxygen levels to the eyes.

Consult Eye Doctor Regularly

Never undercut the significance of a regular eye exam. Your eyes want specialized care as they are one of the most enlightened organs in your body. Spotting eye diseases is pretty challenging. Only an eye doctor will be able to do so properly utilizing the necessary techniques, tools, experience, and knowledge. Studies suggest having a broad eye exam at least once every two years. Some of the necessary components of an eye exam might involve:

  • Vision tests to decide nearsightedness/farsightedness, presbyopia (changes in vision due to aging method), astigmatism (blur vision caused by curved cornea)
  • Tests to decide coordination between both the eyes
  • eye pressure and Optic nerve tests to spot glaucoma
  • External eye and Microscopic examination after and before dilation

Limit screen time

If you utilize a screen such as a PC or a tablet often, there are safety measures to take to assist prevent eye strain. Take breaks often and keep the screen 25 inches away from your eyes and moderately below eye level.

If you wear contacts, make them clean

If you wear contact lenses, you need to ignore the risk of infection. Easy safeguard involves following your eye doctor’s directions for maintaining and cleaning your lenses and always washing up your hands before touching your eyes.