The Best Fiber Rich Foods for Weight Loss

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Corn Bran

When wheat is ground into flour, the outer coating of the grain known as wheat bran is thrown away. After then, the bran is packaged and sold at a low price. It has a staggering amount of insoluble fibers, which help food pass through your intestines and keep you regular. Most baked goods, including muffins and bread, as well as breakfast items like waffles and pancakes, can be made with wheat bran.


Jicama (hikma) is an imposing root vegetable, but after you peel back its thick, bark-like exterior, you might reconsider your concerns. You can eat the luscious, white jicama meat raw, which has a unique crunch of nuts. Jicama can be cut into thick matchsticks and served on a vegetable tray with baby carrots., celery sticks, and cherry tomatoes. Mildly sweet jicama goes well with salads, salsas, and simple stir-fries.


Due to their low sugar content compared to other fruits, these summer berries are popular among people who follow low-carb diets. Ripe raspberries are the ideal complement to yogurt, porridge, salads, desserts, or smoothies since they are mildly sweet with a tangy bite. Essential fatty acids found in abundance in raspberry seeds support a healthy immune system. The vital lipids are released from the seeds by a powerful blender. But, the outer hull of the seeds will still provide fiber if you consume the berries whole. With raspberries, everyone wins in either scenario!

Black Beans

This high-carb foodstuff contains a lot of fiber, which contributes to its low glycemic index. Low glycemic index foods gradually release sugar-based energy. They won’t create a sharp rise in blood sugar when consumed. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are all nutrients that are abundant in beans. Make the simple corn and black bean salad or add them to burritos, quesadillas, tacos, casseroles, and chillis.


Popeye the Sailor recommended spinach, so perhaps you should too! It has few calories but a lot of nutrients like folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and K. The simplest leafy green to locate at your neighborhood grocery shop is spinach. If you can’t locate it fresh, you’ll almost certainly find it frozen or canned. It can flourish during the colder months. A simple approach to increase fiber consumption during supper is to sauté spinach.


Broccoli is an inexpensive source of fiber that you can include in virtually any recipe. Despite being vilified as the most despised vegetable in America, many cooking techniques can transform broccoli into a valued favorite. Broccoli tastes better when it is roasted. It tastes fantastic when it’s sautéed in a flavorful sauce.


Beta-carotene, a kind of vitamin A that is crucial for optimum health, is present in large quantities in carrots, a vegetable that is also high in fiber. Why you should gorge on carrots as follows: More than 100% of your daily requirement for vitamin A may be found in one cup of raw carrots! You can make the delectable carrot salad below for a tangy supper side dish or munch on baby carrots dipped in hummus. During lunch, leftovers work well as a sandwich filler.


Pears are the ideal fruit to add to salads since they are sweet and crisp. They are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, and vitamin C, all of which we should include more of in our diets. Pears contain 30 percent soluble and 70 percent insoluble fiber, respectively. Whether or not you have high blood cholesterol, soluble fibers help your body get rid of additional LDL (also known as “bad”) cholesterol.


Middle Eastern cuisine uses the hearty whole-grain bulgur. In tabbouleh, a salad prepared with bulgur, tomatoes, parsley, onion, and lemon juice, you’ve probably seen it used. Bulgur is simple to prepare; you could even soak it in water rather than cook it! Simply combine one cup of bulgur with one cup of boiling water, let it stand for an hour, and then stir it into your salad. Bulgur is a very absorbent grain that can be used to thicken soups and stews, such as vegetarian chili.

Italian squash

After cooking, spaghetti squash can be broken up into long, noodle-like strands using a fork, living up to its name. This flavorful, slightly sweet vegetable is a favorite of low-carb dieters and pairs well with the acid in marinara sauce. In addition, spaghetti squash provides a healthy amount of fiber for its low-calorie content.

Lima Beans

Lima beans are known as “butter beans” because of their buttery, creamy feel. Its high-fiber component has a long history that dates back to the prehistoric Mochica people who lived off the coast of northern Peru. You can find lima beans in the frozen or canned food aisles at your local supermarket. These beans work well in stir-fries and soups. Given that cyanide in lima beans is released when they are cooked, we advise thoroughly cooking them.