Symptoms and Causes of the Common Cold

The cold virus is a self-limiting virus illness that affects the nasal passages. Most viruses start with cold symptoms including a runny nose and itchy throat. A healthy individual gets a cold 2 or 3 times per year, whereas babies and young children get a common cold more frequently. Among most individuals, a common cold seems to last a week or up to 10 days and mostly demands hospital treatment. Touching or interacting with the virus causes the common cold. It is commonly conveyed from one individual to the next. Through the lips, eyes, or nose, the virus is transmitted to humans.


The symptoms of a common cold generally show one to 3 days after being exposed to the virus that causes it. When an individual with a cold is coughing and sneezing, particles are released into the atmosphere and absorbed by some other person. It could also be transmitted while being in close contact with someone who has been sick and touching anything that the infected person has touched. After already being infected with the virus, you may detect signs anywhere from a few days to shortly afterward. People are much more likely to have a cold in the wintertime or fall so because chilly weather dries out the nasal passages, making them more susceptible to infection. Because types of viruses could cause distinct colds, it’s conceivable to catch them sequentially. The following are examples of signs and symptoms that could differ in different people:

  • A stuffy or runny nose
  • Throat irritation
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • Minor aches and pains throughout the body, as well as a slight headache
  • Sneezing
  • Fever of a low intensity
  • Not feeling great in general.

As a common cold progresses, the flow from your nostrils could become clear and thicken, turning yellow or green. This isn’t always indicative of a bacterial infection.

Cause of Common cold

The common cold is a communicable, self-limiting illness that could be influenced by a multitude of viruses. A viral upper respiratory tract infection is the clinical term for the cold virus. Headache, throat infection, low-grade fever, runny nose, sneezing, and sniffing are all common cold symptoms. The common cold is caused by more than 200 distinct types of viruses, including rhinovirus. Rhinovirus thrives in the warm temperatures of the nose. Rhinovirus transmission rates are highest during dry seasons. Despite this, rhinovirus can infect people at any period of the year.

Because there are so many distinct viruses that might cause a typical cold, and since new cold viruses emerge all the time, the body never develops immunity to all of them. As a result, colds are a common and persistent issue. The common cold is most prevalent in autumn, winter, and spring. The cold virus is the world’s most prevalent viral infection, and it’s the chief reason for medical visits and canceled school and working time.

On average, the common cold could be communicable for one to two days before symptoms appear and for up to two weeks after symptoms have subsided. The common cold, on the other hand, is most communicable during the first two to three days of sickness. At first, the signs of a cold and flu are nearly identical, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. When contrasted to a cold, the flu is much more intense and has more problems. As a result, paying very close attention to the signs can help you distinguish between a cold and the flu.

The common cold normally goes away on its own without posing any complications. Nevertheless, the infection can sometimes extend to the ears, sinuses, or lungs, creating difficulties.


Drinking enough water and getting plenty of rest are two of the greatest common cold cures. When you have a cold, you should drink plenty of water. Since the liquid will release the mucus, this is the best option.

Enough relaxation and sleep will aid your human immune response in fighting the infection. The treatments have resulted in a significant reduction in symptoms.

Increasing your fluid intake is an excellent way to combat this infection. Ginger tea can help to dry up a runny nose. You might get tired of drinking water. So, to ordinary water, add some tea leaves, sugar, milk, and ginger.

Tips to follow

  • Hands must be washed thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid the virus from spreading. If soap isn’t available, you can use alcohol-based antibacterial wipes. Wash your hands before touching your nose, mouth, or eyes.
  • When coughing or sneezing, always use a tissue and throw it away right away. Ensure to fully wash your hands after this, and if you don’t have a tissue, sneeze or cough into the elbows bend and wash your hands.
  • When you have a cold, avoid sharing drinking glasses or cutlery with family members. Use a throwaway glass that you can throw away after each use.